Understanding and beating back-to-the office anxiety

About this event

Join us for a lunchtime session on how to manage the return to the office and how to support yourself and your teams through transition

Date & Time


Hosted by

Escape the City

In this talk, which draws upon learnings from Spill therapists and organisational psychology, we'll delve into understanding why humans experience anxiety, what triggers it and how it can be managed. We'll then focus on returning to the office and how this change to our regular routine over the last 18 months can threaten our sense of normality and control, before looking at what we can do as individuals and leaders to make the return to the office psychologically and emotionally easier for everyone.

This talk will last for 40 minutes, with 20 minutes for questions.

About the speaker:

Will Allen-Mersh is a Partner at Spill, a mental health startup offering therapy to employees through an easy-to-use Slack integration.

About Spill

Spill is registered with the BACP, employs over 70 therapists, and works with progressive companies around Europe including Typeform, Citymapper and Huel.

About Escape the City

We’re on a mission to help one million people to do work that matters to them and the world. Not just to find more fulfilling work but create it too. Online and offline we’ve seen first-hand the incredible power in connecting likeminded, motivated, passionate people with purposeful organisations.

Whether it’s a small step or a brave leap, we’ve learned that amazing outcomes and inspiring change is best achieved together.

We want to wake people up to what work can really look like. To careers built on freedom, passion, autonomy, fulfilment, and purpose. To more connected and more meaningful lives. To 21st Century Careers and organisations, built on their terms, not someone else’s.

We’re doing it because we believe a million more people doing work that matters to them will change the world.

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