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Volunteer Treasurer Trustee



Posted over 30 days ago...

YourStory supports disadvantaged young people and those living with long-term health conditions. We are seeking a Treasurer trustee with financial and previous Board experience.


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Lambeth, SE11 6EE

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

As a trustee, your role will be to protect and direct the organisation. Working alongside Board colleagues you will agree and set out the long-term strategy for YourStory.  As a voluntary non-executive director/trustee of the charity, you will have duties towards Companies House, Charities Commission and fiscal duties towards YourStory, in addition to work with fellow Trustees and key stakeholders. Key duties and responsibilities are;

Monitoring the financial standing of the charity and reporting to the Board and CEO regarding the overarching strategic management of the organisation’s financial resources. Developing and overseeing the charity’s financial risk-management process and report financial health to the board of trustees as required. Work with the Financial Manger to ensure that annual accounts are submitted to all relevant regulators in a timely fashion. Ensuring that the organisation’s finances are responsibly managed and invested for the betterment of the organisation’s work and for the beneficiaries it serves. Guiding and advising fellow trustees to formally approve the annual report and audited accounts. Creating greater transparency and accountability to improve resource allocation and charity’s image by adding specific measures as per Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) guidelines. Explaining technicalities of accounts in plain language which is fully understood by the trustees. Keeping the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities.  Guiding and advising the Board in the approval of budgets, accounts and financial statements. Reviewing the quarterly and year end accounts prepared by our Financial Manager. Ensuring that proper financial procedures and controls are in place to safeguard the charity's resources. Ensuring that the charity has appropriate reserves and investment policies. Oversee the organisation's financial affairs and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within an accepted accounting practice. Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place. Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation. Oversee the production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts and audits.

Use your judgement to contribute to the Board to ensure that YourStory has maximum impact on the young people it supports and key stakeholders.  

What are we looking for?

YourStory is looking to recruit a Trustee preferably with experience at Board level and finance expertise. A qualified Accountant with an understanding and experience of Charity SORP, you will lead the Board’s duty to ensure proper accounting records are kept and financial resources are controlled in line with governance, legal and regulatory requirements. In doing so, you will;

Make fellow Board members aware of their financial obligations and take the lead in interpreting financial data for them. Liaise with the Finance Manager and report the financial position at Board meetings (balance sheet, cash flow, fundraising performance etc). Together with the CEO and Finance Manager, you will oversee the production of an annual budget and propose its adoption at the last meeting of the previous financial year. Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures and controls are in place, ie:

Cheque signatories Purchasing limits Purchasing systems Petty cash/ float Salary payments Pensions PAYE and NI payments Others as appropriate

Appraising the financial viability of plans, proposals and feasibility studies.

What difference will you make?

Contributing to the board will enable YourStory to impact children, young people and their families positively. Your contribution will also help ensure YourStory remains effective as a charity in the medium to long term.



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