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Volunteer Lay Member for the Association of Clinical Scientists

Association of Clinical Scientists


Posted over 30 days ago...

The Lay Member will join the Board of ACS and provide a service users’ viewpoint on our activities. The role would suit an individual with an interest in the scientific aspects of healthcare and ideally an educational background.


icon Salary


icon Location

London, SE1 2TU

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

The prime role of the ACS is to assess trainees as a preliminary to registration as a Clinical Scientist with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). To promote, advance and encourage the study and practice of the application of science in the prevention, diagnosis and control of illness, disease and disability. To establish, uphold and improve the standards of qualification, training, competence and conduct of Clinical Scientists in the United Kingdom. To work with official bodies including Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) on matters relating to the above. To liaise with relevant professional bodies and other assessment bodies to help ensure the standards for training and training centres include availability of appropriate resources, regular assessment, pastoral care and mechanisms for addressing students’ training issues.

  The role would suit an individual with an interest in the scientific aspects of healthcare and ideally an education background.  Someone with an interest in matters relating to diversity and inclusion would also be advantageous to help the ACS meet the aims of our diversity and inclusion statement.   Time Commitment and duties (annual) ·  3 x 0.5 days – Attendance at 3 Board meetings per year (usually MS Teams). ·  2 full days – Observation role at assessment sessions with your feedback to be provided on the process. A template for providing feedback will be supplied however we also welcome any comments the lay member might have on our documentation. ·  2-3 full days – Review of our documentation including guidance notes and web content.  Summary of the comments candidates have made in the evaluation forms they provide following assessment to be reported during an ACS Board meeting for discussion. Involvement in agreeing action plan. Participation in any appeal or complaints process.   The lay member to work closely with the administrative staff and the Executive members of the Board to help implement any changes that might be identified following the above.   Remuneration / Expenses This is unremunerated but expenses will be paid in accordance with our expenses policy.   Training Overall training and familiarisation will be offered.

What are we looking for?

The role would suit an individual with an interest in the scientific aspects of healthcare and ideally an education background.  Someone with an interest in matters relating to diversity and inclusion would also be advantageous to help the ACS meet the aims of our diversity and inclusion statement.

What difference will you make?

In providing a service users' viewpoint on our activities the lay member will contribute towards the integrity of an important and impactful section of the healthcare Clinical Science workforce. The lay member will also help improve candidates' experience when these applicants undertake the ACS Certificate of Attainment assessment process.



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