We are seeking three Trustees who: A) would broaden the diversity of our board. B) have experience in fundraising, marketing, charity leadership or law.
Leeds, LS1 6DG
Expires at anytime
What will you be doing?
What's Involved A commitment of 7 hours a month to attend Board meetings, one of the Board's standing committees, to visit the charity, take part in two development days each year and to advocate on behalf of the charity and support its work. There are six Board meetings per year, which are held bi-monthly on a Monday or Tuesday evening. In addition you would be asked to attend two development days with the charity’s small team of staff and volunteers and to join one of the following standing committees: Finance, HR or Fundraising. These committees meet on average once a quarter. Board members have a collective responsibility. Trustees act as a group and not as individuals. Our Trustees term of office is three years. Duties
To ensure The Market Place’s objectives, purpose and vision run through its goals and activities Set and approve the charity's Business Plan and policies, and monitor their implementation Oversee The Market Place’s financial plans and budgets and monitor and evaluate progress Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the charity Ensure that key risks are being identified, monitored and controlled effectively Ensure that the collective voice of young people who use the charity’s services shapes and influences the charity’s development Review and approve The Market Place’s financial statements Keep up to date with changes in The Market Place’s operating environment Contribute to regular reviews of The Market Place’s governance Attend Board meetings and adequately prepare to contribute to discussions Contribute to the broader promotion of The Market Place’s objects, aims and reputation by applying your skills, expertise, knowledge and contacts Promote the interests of the charity and support the charity’s fundraising Provide both support and challenge to The Market Place’s CEO in the exercise of their delegated authority Use independent judgment, acting legally and in good faith to promote and protect The Market Place’s interests, to the exclusion of your own personal and/or any third party interests
What are we looking for?
We would particularly welcome interest from people with fundraising, marketing, charity leadership or legal experience. You do not need to have experience of working with young people.
What difference will you make?
Your active participation as one of our trustees would significantly and positively influence many young people’s lives and enhance your skills and experience of strategic decision making. In response to huge public sector funding challenges over in 2024 The Market Place has restructured and is looking ahead to develop a model of operation that is more sustainable over the long term. Our support services are highly in demand and have an excellent reputation based on 35 years of working with young people in Leeds. We would welcome the fresh perspectives and ideas that a more diverse Board will bring. We need Trustees who will:
effectively promote The Market Place and amplify its voice and influence bring valuable experience and contacts to lead our fundraising committee improve our connections in communities that are under-served by mental health services effectively support our small management team bring legal experience, preferably in a large firm, to support the charity's further development.