

Careers at Arachnys

Emerging markets business data consolidated translated and mined for insight.

We're a technology startup diving deep beneath the surface of the web to bring back valuable intelligence that helps major companies assess risk and make decisions.


About us

Founded by Control Risks Russia investigator David Buxton and Cambridge mathematician Harry Waye, Arachnys helps companies gather intelligence in emerging markets using deep web sources of business information.

We're a small but growing company whose product is used by some of the largest, most prestigious and most demanding organisations on the planet.

Why are we exciting?

Our mission is to become the pre-eminent source of business information in emerging markets. We are a team of technologists, linguists and investigators with a laser focus on making it possible to find and understand crucial data about counterparties, suppliers and customers in emerging markets.

Working at Arachnys will give you an opportunity to experience London startup life from the inside, to work alongside seriously talented engineers, salespeople and researchers as we start to change the way that businesses gather information.

Behind the scenes