Balloons provides pre- and post-bereavement support to children and young people (C&YP) aged 5-25 living in Exeter, Mid & East Devon. We also support their families by providing our telephone helpline and our family events programme, and we deliver childhood grief training to local agencies. We are the only organisation in our geographical area delivering this support and have been providing a service since 2006. Research clearly indicates that the death of a significant loved one can have a profoundly negative impact. C&YP who are not supported have poorer health and educational outcomes, are more likely to engage in anti-social behaviour and enter the criminal justice system, have higher teenage pregnancy rates and are more prone to depression, anxiety, self-harm and attempted and successful suicide. The most common reason for school exclusion before age 9 is bereavement (Home Office). 70% of men in prison suffered a broken attachment in childhood through bereavement (NACRO). The challenge is to intervene so that these negative health, educational & social outcomes are mitigated against.