

Careers at Carma

The Carma Project: Sustainable fashion as a force for community uplift. The Carma Project is a research initiative focused on harnessing sustainable fashion to end poverty and support community uplift. We believe this sector holds immense potential to create dignified work, thriving communities, and individual empowerment. Sustainable fashion goes beyond eco-friendly choices and self-expression – it's a powerful tool for social change. However, for it to be truly effective, sustainability demands an inclusive and ethical approach with deep respect for the people, lives, and livelihoods connected to the industry – whether as consumers, producers, communities, or within wider society. Our research investigates how AI, digital fashion networks, and cutting-edge methods can transform the fashion system. We strive to break free from traditional capitalist frameworks, creating ethical supply chains that directly support poverty eradication efforts and drive industry reform.   Who We Are We're a dedicated team taking direct action to end extreme poverty. The Carma Project is our platform, where sustainable and ethical fashion becomes a powerful tool for global change. It's a movement built by volunteers and partners who share our belief in a fairer and more just fashion industry.   Why Change is Urgent The fashion industry, with 300 million employees, faces issues like low pay, violence, and poor working conditions. Women, marginalised groups, and those in countries lacking social safety nets are most at risk:

Living Wage: Only 2% of fashion brands pay a living wages.Even in the UK it can fall as low as £3 per hour Child Labour: A significant number of the world's 170 million child labourers are employed in the fashion industry. Women's Plight: Women, particularly those of color, constitute 60-90% of the workforce and are subject to widespread harassment.

  The Carma Project Approach We're determined to break the cycle and lead fashion into an empowering future. Here's our blueprint:

Technology as a Force: AI and advanced tools create transparent supply chains and drive ethical decision-making. Our Model Prioritizes People: We work to eliminate the root causes of poverty within the industry. Ethical Prototypes: Our clothing lines will prove the viability of fair labor practices and environmental sustainability. Inclusion at the Core: Marginalized communities will have a leading voice in our movement. No Compromises: Human dignity and environmental responsibility are central to our mission.

Volunteer with Us Join our remote volunteer community to work toward authentic social change within the fashion industry. We make volunteering accessible, diverse and rewarding.

Behind the scenes