Change Please

Change Please

Careers at Change Please

What is Change Please?

Since 2010, homelessness has doubled in the UK. Now, over 4,000 people sleep rough every night. This is unacceptable.

ChangePlease believes that the nation’s love of coffee is so strong - it could be just what we need to end homelessness once and for all.

The average Londoner treats themselves to two cups every single day. Demand is rising – by the end of the decade the number of UK coffee outlets is set to hit 21,000, creating over 100,000 jobs.

Despite this, the industry is facing a huge skills shortage, not just in the UK, but around the world. Are you thinking what we’re thinking?

If the homeless community addressed this shortage - homelessness could become a thing of the past.

ChangePlease is empowering the homeless community by training them to be baristas. We provide full barista training, jobs paying London Living Wage and support with housing, bank accounts and mental wellbeing.

We're a social enterprise staffed by the homeless, to help the homeless, because really good coffee doesn't just taste good - it does good too.

"If we can just get a small proportion of coffee drinkers to simply change where they buy their coffee, we could really change the world." Cemal Ezel, Change Please, Founder.

Verified by Escape

Escape's take on Change Please

Do you want to work for an organisation where you can really make a difference? Then you’ve come to the right place. Social enterprise Change Please has grown from a humble coffee cart in Covent Garden to operating with sites all over London and the UK and within multiple countries. The team at Change Please cite the creative, inspiring, and entrepreneurial environment as reasons why they love working there - always being encouraged to share ideas to help shake up the coffee industry and support people out of homelessness.

Stats we are proud of

  • 100%

    We reinvest 100% of our profits in our mission

  • 250

    We have worked with over 250 people since launching

  • 100

    We pay all our Trainees the London Living Wage

Behind the scenes

Benefits & progressive ways of working

Flexible working

  • Working hours

    Flex hours
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Europe