The company culture you want, delivered.
Cultivating company culture is challenging – CEOs tell us that creating an environment to attract talent and retain them for the long haul is their biggest challenge. Constructing an environment that attracts brilliant talent and retains it for the long-haul is a real process. It takes time, effort, and commitment – the rewards, from increased productivity and efficiency to happier employees, are remarkable – but it takes time. It doesn’t happen by itself. It doesn’t happen overnight.
Many of the world's best, most influential teams solve this with perks. Yoga classes, drinks after work and team socials are good; they make for happy employees who in turn work better.
But they're not for everyone.
Food is universal. Everybody eats, teams need nourishing, and all the benefits of other perks come with it. As well as a few more, like increased productivity, healthier employees, and closer teams. Even a substantial ROI.
That's what we do. We cultivate the culture that every CEO dreams about, through food.
After three years, over 500 of London's best teams – including Google, Facebook, Spotify and Buzzfeed – have joined us in eating together to work better. Our team of 40 eat together at least three times a week, and as you'd expect, making company culture our business means ours is always on our mind. We dedicate ourselves to creating environments that make people want to come to work, and our own office is no exception.