Collectiv Food

Collectiv Food

Careers at Collectiv Food

COLLECTIVfood disrupts the supply chain of the food and beverages industry by connecting farms directly with restaurants and other businesses, therefore cutting out traditional wholesalers and distributors.

We aim to make quality food directly accessible to foodservice, catering and hospitality operators by disrupting the old-fashioned, inefficient and opaque supply chain of the food and beverages wholesale industry. By bypassing the middleman and going directly to the source they can offer a more efficient and therefore cheaper option which will save the clients time and money.

At the heart of their mission is a passion for good food and the team has extensive experience in restaurants, hospitality and distribution. This reflects in their efforts to build a more transparent and sustainable supply chain where only suppliers who add value to the chain and share their core values are allowed onto their platform.

Behind the scenes