

Careers at Coursera

Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects, such as engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digit...

Behind the scenes

Benefits & progressive ways of working

Flexible working

  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Working hours

    Flex hours
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Asia
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere
  • Remote working trips

    Remote working trips
  • Coworking budget

    Coworking budget
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - Anywhere

Financial benefits

  • Equity

    Equity included in package
  • Bonus

    Bonuses paid