

Careers at CrowdJustice

CrowdJustice is the award-winning platform for legal action, giving people an opportunity to fund cases, come together around the law and participate in the legal system.

Since launch in 2015, we've seen people crowdfund cases that have changed the course of Brexit, cases that have given citizens a way to challenge climate change targets through the courts, and cases that have given, for the first time, whistleblowing protection to junior doctors.

We've seen people band together to help others access legal services whether they need immigration lawyers or help defending employment rights.

The BBC, the Guardian, Slate, Forbes, TechCrunch, Marie Claire and others have covered our progress, calling us a game-changer in providing access to justice. We've been named a Top Digital Innovator by CityAm and the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Award for technology.

Behind the scenes