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DriveAbility Scotland is registered in Scotland as a charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is an accredited member of Driving Mobility, a UK wide network of driver and passenger assessment and advice services which support disabled and older people with  starting or continuing to drive, vehicle adaptation and other mobility needs. It is well known that the lack of (accessible) public transport across the country that the only possibility for disabled and older people to achieve independent mobility is to be able to drive their own car. Without this possibility, this can lead to social isolation and the consequent health issues. Driver assessment services have their core funding underpinned by Department of Transport, but there is no equivalent funding support from the Scottish Government at present.  As a result the provision of services for disabled and older people is significantly less than in England. Based on the population sizes, we estimate the likely demand in Scotland to be in the region of 2,000 assessments a year.   The current provision is considered to be less than half that figure. Since DAS started to operate in mid-2021, it has carried out many hundreds of assessments, with the result of enabling many people to resume or start driving; or in parallel advise some applicants that they are no longer safe to drive. 

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