Enfield Carers Centre (ECC) provides advice, information and support to the estimated 27,000 unpaid carers who either live in Enfield or care for someone who lives in the Borough. Enfield's current Joint Strategy for Carers (produced by the Council and NHS Enfield) hghlights ECC's role as one which provides a central point of contact for unpaid carers in the Borough and for those other organisations supporting carers. The range of services provided by ECC includes access to information, advice and training; help with benefits/finance/ legal issues; advocacy; counselling; support for young adult carers; group support/drop-in sessions; carers' breaks and complementary therapy sessions. This provision plays a key role in implementing the main aims of the Joint Carers Strategy and is having an impact by enabling carers: - To be respected as expert care partners and have access to the integrated and personalised services they need to support them in their caring role. - To be able to have a life of their own alongsided their caring role. - To be supported so that they are not forced into financial hardship as a result of their caring role. - To be supported to stay mentally and physically well and treated with dignity.