Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership (ETSP) was founded in 2015 by a forward-thinking group of headteachers in Enfield, North London, who could see the benefits for all stakeholders in working collaboratively. It was set up to advance the education of children/young people within member schools (in Enfield, North London), through the provision of services, facilities and activities and to meet the social and emotional wellbeing needs of all the pupils/students within our care. Our Objectives ETSP’s objects, as outlined in our Charitable Constitution, are as follows: i. Developing collaboration between schools and other educational bodies and the wider community in which they operate, promoting positive community engagement in schools and with families. ii. Providing opportunities for disadvantaged pupils through the provision of services, facilities and activities to develop the capacity and skills of parents and carers of children and young people to enable them to engage more with the education of, and to identify and help meet the needs of, the children and young people in their care. iii. The provision of training to individuals involved in the education and pastoral care of children and young people in order to equip them with the skills required to deliver such education and to support the social and emotional well-being of the children and young people in their care.