European Network on Statelessness

European Network on Statelessness

Careers at European Network on Statelessness

We are a civil society alliance of organisations and individuals working to promote the right to a nationality in Europe. Our network brings together over 180 members in more than 40 countries and includes grassroots community organisations, national and international NGOs, legal advice agencies, think tanks, individuals with lived experience of statelessness, and other experts. Since establishing in 2012, we have been working to ensure that statelessness is given the attention it is due as a critical human rights issue. We are dedicated to raising awareness about statelessness and the right to a nationality, supporting legal and policy development, and building civil society’s capacity to act. We work collaboratively with others and our partners trust us to provide them with reliable and high-quality comparative research, information, and analysis. Together, we seek to be an effective catalyst for change that improves the lives of people affected by statelessness across Europe.

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