GO Mammoth

GO Mammoth

Careers at GO Mammoth

The UK's largest lifestyle club - providing recreational sports leagues group fitness classes and social events for young professionals.


Because all work and no play....

So, when you graduate or leave school life loses a bit of the fun factor. 
No longer are team sports organised for you, the post-game drinks gradually fade away... work takes over.. friends drift apart.. you consider facebook a worthy replacement for face-to-face interaction. In short, you forget how to have fun..and the danger is you wake up some time in your midlife with wrinkles, a saab and a family who depends on you. 

GO Mammoth exists to remind our customers to have some friggin fun in their 20's and 30s rather than waste it on the gravy chain, before it's too god dam late! 

We do this by bringing young professionals together at least once a week (but often 2 or 3 times a week) in their evenings or at weekends through the following: 

  • Sports leagues (inc Football, Netball, Basketball, Doddgeball, Volleyball, and loads more)
  • Fitness classes (inc Boxift, Pilates, Zumba) 
  • Social Events and Parties 

We continue to try to create GO Mammoth as a reflection of our own values, so that our customers who might not have the luxury of working for a sports and social club might at least maximise their leisure time outside of the office. 


It's time to become the mammoth...

We are always on the look-out to add exceptional, like-minded, driven individuals to our team to help us in our goal to become the most social sports club in the land. 


What can we offer Escapees?

  • A true lifestyle career with one of the most entrepreneurial events and marketing company in London today! 
  • A young, vibrant, sporty, and highly ambitious team who love coming to work every day in order to grow social sports and fitness throughout the land. 
  • Rapid progression for indivduals who prove they have the passion and drive required in this industry. 
  • The warm satisfaction of truly seeing the fruits of your labour realised 
  • No small cogs in a big wheel - just big cogs in the same wheel - with a lot of WD40! 
  • A fulfilling life through an unbeatable workplace environment, amazing colleagues, and the potential to become whatever you want to be ... 

What is our culture like?

Work hard, play harder.. for real! 

After all, we work in a sports and social club.

We're unique in that we don't class organising sports league and fitness classes and social events/parties "WORK". 

So therefore, working long hours, or having issues at work is all the easier. And we do definitely work hard... purely because we want to be the best at what we do - and currently we are leagues ahead of any considered competitor. 

As an example, on the last Friday of every month we organise a social event called Mammoth Friday which is ultimately a party for all our members and their friends somewhere in London. Our head office staff tend to tag along.. not because it's work, but because it's a friday night on the town (that just happens to be our business model..)! 

That's our culture..

Behind the scenes