

Careers at GoHenry

About gohenry

gohenry is a new way for young people to develop great money habits; we're not a bank, and we don't think like a bank. We think that experience in a safe environment is the best way to learn, and that learning about money early should be fun and should set children up for life.

Where the idea came from

It came from us - a small group of friends and parents who just wanted to help our children and teenagers understand how money works in the modern world. 

And to be honest, we struggled. Our children borrowed our cards to spend online, pocket money using cash was often a source of family debate - who'd had what, for what, and when. 

When we realised we didn't have the tools to help we made the tools ourselves - we made gohenry.

  • A safe environment where our own children and teenagers can learn about earning, saving and spending by doing it for real themselves, but with our oversight and guidance
  • In a way they understand and enjoy - and that meant creating great web and mobile apps (though it works very well without the app too)
  • Something that makes our lives easier!

Behind the scenes