Good Law Project

Good Law Project

Careers at Good Law Project

We had a primary role in overturning the prorogation of Parliament in 2019. We successfully challenged the Government’s operation of a fast track ‘VIP lane’ for awarding lucrative PPE contracts to those with political connections and our campaigning played a key role in the Met Police opening an investigation into Boris Johnson over the Partygate scandal. In July 2023, we forced the Government to accept that its flagship Net Zero strategy is unlawful and to develop a better plan.

Our close-knit team of staff work across three core areas: campaigning, legal and operations. We are nimble and reactive to external events which means Good Law Project suits people who thrive in a fast-paced, at times quite pressured environment. You must share our passion for upholding democracy, protecting the environment and ensuring no one is left behind. Our culture is one of openness and innovation which encourages all staff to pitch ideas and influence the organisation’s direction. We are brave, honest and decisive – those are Good Law Project’s values. We recognise the value of our employees, individually and collectively, and are committed to investing in their welfare and development.

In August 2022 we established an independent SRA-regulated law firm in London, Good Law Practice, to support and develop our work.

See our website for more about what we do.

Behind the scenes

Benefits & progressive ways of working

Working hours & Paid time off

  • Enhanced holidays

    25-30 days holiday

Financial benefits

  • Pension

    >8%+ Pension

Health & Wellbeing benefits

  • Private health care

    Private healthcare cover

Flexible working

  • Working hours

    Flex hours
  • Nomad friendly

    Remote - UK