Greenheart Consulting

Greenheart Consulting

Careers at Greenheart Consulting

We are a full-service social & environmental impact consultancy dedicated to helping companies integrate regenerative thinking throughout their business model. We use B Corp, the UN SDGs and other established frameworks - as well as our own fresh thinking - to bring our clients the best in future-fit advice. Our work includes: - Creating and embedding impact strategies, governance and culture - B Corp certification and recertification - Impact materiality assessment - Carbon footprinting, target-setting and management (including SBTI and ISO14001) - Stakeholder engagement - Supply chain ESG management and improvement - Impact reporting and communications (including CDP and GRI)

Stats we are proud of

  • 5%

    of our time (at least) is given to charity

  • 100%

    of clients say we have added value since 2018

  • 70

    companies we have supported through the BIA

Behind the scenes