In August 2022, The Heart of Newhaven Community SCIO acquired the Victoria Primary School (until recently the oldest working primary school in Edinburgh) for community use. The former school site and its buildings has since been renamed ‘The Heart’ and is being developed as an intergenerational community hub. Public consultation during The Heart’s development revealed a number of needs within the community, including: access to communal and meeting spaces for use by local groups; more facilities and activities for older and isolated individuals; improved early years’ resources; and support for mental health for people of all ages. Stakeholder events and research by Planning Aid Scotland identified the following three broad themes which are now informing the development of The Heart as a community hub Culture and heritage Learning and Enterprise Community Wellbeing Through partnership working and community engagement we are seeking to create a thriving intergenerational hub that helps to reduce barriers and create opportunities for people of all ages, from all walks of life and with a variety of interests, to come together. Our intergenerational hub will help people experience, share and exchange culture and heritage, engage in learning, and develop skills and enterprise in an accessible and welcoming environment that contributes to the positive wellbeing of our community.