

Careers at Houzz

Houzz is the leading platform for home remodeling improvement and design. We provide our community of over 40 million unique monthly users with everything they need to improve their home from start to finish - online or from a mobile device.

With the largest residential design database in the world and a vibrant community powered by social tools Houzz is the easiest way for people to get the design inspiration project advice product information and professional reviews they need to help turn ideas into reality.


Houzz started with a house.

When founders Adi and Alon remodeled their home, they started the way these projects often do: with a tall stack of magazines and referrals for home professionals from people they knew. But after those piles of torn out pages failed to make their dream a reality, they felt stuck. There had to be a better way.

So they built Houzz. A place to browse and save beautiful home photos. A place to find the right design and construction professionals. A place to connect with others who have been there too. Houzz started as a side project but has become a community of more than 40 million homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals—across the country and around the world.


Make your house our Houzz.

Our shiny London based European headquarters have had a Houzz-style makeover. Take a peek at our Mediterranean meeting room, snoop around our Italian dressing room and soak up the views from our rooftop terrace.

Our beautiful London and Berlin offices are located right in the middle of the city in a hip, modern, comfortable environment designed to reflect our culture. You could be working here!


What can we offer Escapees?

  • Collaborate: Join a team of the nicest and smartest people you’ve ever worked with
  • Create the Future: Bring the remodeling and design industry into the 21st century
  • Make a Difference: Create tools for more than 40 million homeowners and 1,000,000 home pros who use Houzz every month
  • Be a Partner: We offer generous equity. Work with an entrepreneurial team to lead new features from concept to production
  • Enjoy Stability: Houzz has multiple revenue streams and is backed by Sequoia Capital, NEA, GGV, KPCB, DST, T. Rowe Price and other top investors


What is our culture like?

Meet our smart, fun and talented team at Houzz in London and see why it's such a great place to work!

Behind the scenes