Wildlife and wild spaces are dwindling at an alarming rate. Despite this, today's political administration seems to be putting less attention on the environment than more. To place saving wildlife firmly on the table of the world's most pressing agenda items, we need massive public support. This is the only way that long-term policy, consumer behavior, and financing for conservation will improve and turn the tide.
Internet of Elephants sees the potential to make this happen. We see an entire world of animal lovers who are not involved in conservation but could collectively become modern conservationists. To catalyze this movement, we are creating fun and participative approaches for them to get involved through the creation of online games and digital media products. Through our partnerships with leading conservation organizations, we combine the GPS data of real animals with augmented reality recreations of those animals to bring the stories of these animals to life while incentivizing audiences to stay involved. By doing so, we hope to multiply the number of wildlife enthusiasts around the world and as such, change the way conservation is supported today.
We are a one-of-a-kind Kenyan game company that dedicates all its time, talent, and resources to the preservation of species. We have developed partnerships with conservation organizations and game developers, built a small but skilled team, and launched a pilot this summer, which featured six real animals, all supported by one of our wildlife partners.