Mediation Surrey is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) established for the purpose of minimising the mental, physical and social impact of interpersonal conflict and anti-social behaviour on the residents of Surrey through building improved resilience, communication and understanding, to help them cope with, prevent or resolve disputes. It does this by offering free services for community mediation, intergenerational mediation and victim support coaching from over 100 trained volunteer mediators and coaches. In addition, Mediation Surrey offers an affordable Family Mediation service for divorcing or separating couples. Mediation Surrey employs 6 part time staff, led by a Director of Services (DOS), to run the operations of the charity. Mediation Surrey provides an important public service to the residents of Surrey. It is largely funded by the Police, local, borough and County Councils and Housing Associations because of the complementary role it plays in helping these organisations to attain their goals. Specifically, community mediation helps solve neighbourhood disputes and issues of anti-social behaviour before they can escalate into more serious problems. Intergenerational mediation helps solve family disputes, typically between a teenager and their parents, before it becomes an issue for social services. Support coaching builds resilience in victims of anti-social behaviour to help them cope with the situation.