Not Actively Looking

Not Actively Looking

Careers at Not Actively Looking

A central platform where senior executives can share confidential information and CV data with designated executive search firms.

Benefits for Executives

• Raise your profile with relevant search firms, making it more likely that you will be contacted about suitable opportunities.
• Choose which search firms have access to your CV and confidential information and make sure those firms are always kept up-to-date.
• Manage your own profile - be in control of who sees what!
• Less time wasted on searches that do not fit your skills, experience and aspirations.

Benefits for Executive Search Firms

• Access to a new, unique search tool that will prioritise candidates based on suitability for the role, allowing you to focus immediately on those that are most likely to fit the brief.
• Immediate access to up-to-date information about potential candidates, including CV data, key achievements, and future salary expectations.
• Less time wasted updating your internal database and significantly reduced search times, freeing up your research team for more important work.

Behind the scenes