Organic Herb Trading Ltd

Organic Herb Trading Ltd

Careers at Organic Herb Trading Ltd

Over the last 40 years, we have built up longstanding, mutually beneficial relationships with organic herb, spice and botanical suppliers all over the world – from Guatemala to Zanzibar, Bosnia to Madagascar.

Our customers range from individual practitioners to the most respected global organic brands including Yeo Valley, Pukka Herbs, Neal’s Yard Remedies and Riverford Organic. These relationships have been built on mutual trust, underpinned by four guiding principles:

One: Product quality

Wherever possible we work directly with producers or producer groups and provide them with support and incentives to grow and harvest the highest quality products. This also passes value back down the supply chain and helps to avoid remedial practices that diminish the intrinsic value of the ingredients we source.

Two: Fair and ethical trade

All too often primary producers have very little bargaining power. As a result, costs filter down supply chains, whilst profits flow up them. We always try and build our supplier relationships based on genuine dialogue and transparency. We do not – under any circumstances - drive the price down when we are working directly with producer groups in the Global South. In fact, on a number of occasions, we have offered to pay higher prices or provided broader financial support.

Three: Organic integrity

We insist on the highest levels of organic integrity and this is achieved through:

Our comprehensive programme of supplier visits Additional, third party audits – including the drawing of samples and sealing of shipments Ensuring we work with suppliers who are certified by third-party certification bodies approved under EU regulation 1235/2008 Chemical analysis of representative samples Four: Long-term partnerships

Some of our suppliers have worked with us for decades and on more than one occasion we have supported them – often financially – when they have faced challenging times. And it’s fair to say this has been reciprocated. We remain extremely grateful for the fantastic products our suppliers grow, their commitment to the organic movement and for their ongoing support.

In addition to this overall approach, Organic Herb Trading is independently certified to the Fairtrade, FairWild and Fair for Life standards.

Behind the scenes