Our not for profit organisation is brand new, set up this year and launched 20th April 2015. RBSLI is an independent, self regulatory body of qualified professional sign language interpreters and translators. RBSLI operates as a not for profit limited company. The RBSLI Board consides of registrants and lay members and its aim is to promote and encourage best practice amongst its registrants for the benefit of consumers, interpreters and translators. It aims to achieve this by the following: - Maintain a public registrer of qualified practitioners as a minimum standard - Ensure registrants meet professional standars of conduct and practice - Publish the RBSLI Code of Ethics to which all RBSLI registrants have affirmed - Investigate complaints fairly using impartial and culturally sensitive processes related to RBSLI Code of Ethics - Promote the importance of using only qualified practitioners - Promote the importance of regulation to those with a vested interested in interpreting and translation