Careers at TAI

TAI is a NGO registered in Kenya (as social company) and in Sweden.

Our mission is to help low income, mobility impaired people break free from the disability - poverty cycle in Africa.

750.000 persons in Kenya (20 M in Africa) are estimated to have a mobility impairment. 90% of them are too poor to afford a wheelchair suitable for the Africa terrain. Without autonomous mobility, people with disabilities are denied access to education, self-development, income opportunities, and live trapped in a loop of impairment, poverty, and social exclusion

Since 2018, in our workshop in Kenya, we manufacture SafariSeat, the revolutionary all terrain, low cost wheelchair freeing low-income people with mobility impairment from the confinement of their disability. Our portfolio is expanding, including planning to include other Assistive Technology devices.

(i) We distribute SafariSeat at no cost to the poorest people with mobility impairment in Africa (ii) Together with our Kenyan partners, we implement impact programs linking the provision of SafariSeat to skills development, support to employment, income generation. (iii) SafariSeat also available at microcredit in Kenya.

To know more about us, visit our website (www.safariseat.org), watch this video (https://vimeo.com/630871510/296eeb8635), visit our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/safariseat)

Behind the scenes