Samuel Lithgow Youth Centre (SLYC) was inaugurated in 1969 with the strategic objective and mission of offering disadvantaged young people services and activities that would contribute to their personal and collective growth. The Centre is located at the heart of the Regent’s Park Estate and serves the whole of the Regent’s Park ward. Our main services, still target disadvantaged children and young people aged 8 – 19 through three different youth projects (After School Club, Holiday Programme, and Senior Youth Club). These projects offer sports, IT, music, healthy eating, homework support, arts and craft and mentoring and advice to children and young people. However, now that Covid-19 has ended, we are also offering supporting activities to local students, the unemployed, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, women, and senior citizens.- through the use of our free IT Centre, Community Gym, and the Women's Fitness Project, with creche.