

Careers at SocialVenture

Root Impact is a for-purpose organization founded in 2012, supporting Changemakers who are creat
ing innovative solutions to solve any social problems. Root Impact encourages the Changemakers
and/or social entrepreneurs to further their mission. We have a strong belief that social problems can
be solved in a healthier way as more Changemakers come into being.
Root Impact envisions the world where everyone can make a real change. In order to help young
social entrepreneurs and Changemakers who endeavor to bring positive changes in the world, Root
Impact has been trying to build an ‘Impact Ecosystem’ for more Changemakers and social entrepr
eneurs to further their mission, solve pressing issues, and sustain their growth. In doing so, Root Impact
is providing a Changemaker-friendly environment such as co-living house, co-working space as well
as learning opportunities.

Behind the scenes