'Make the internet a better place to get expert answers to your questions' - Joel Spolsky CEO Stack Exchange.
Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of over 100 question and answer sites on diverse topics from computer programming to photography and gaming. Our primary Q&A site is Stack Overflow the world's largest online community of computer programmers. With more than 26 million visitors a month Stack Overflow is the largest Q&A community for software developers online.
Our hiring platform - Stack Overflow Careers gives employers an opportunity to discover attract and engage developers from around the world as well as give developers a fresher way to find a job.
As we redefine the way developers find jobs we're establishing ourselves as the best resource for developers and employers alike. We're building the #1 portal for developer hiring on the Internet and we need your help telling our story.
At face value, we’re just a smart group of people who are trying to make the Internet a better place, but deep down, we’re a bit more complicated. We’re a mixed bag of programmers, designers, salespeople, product managers, and community builders. We’re all encouraged to contribute toward our company mission, to make the internet a better place—and unlike companies you may be used to, we actually let our employees do what they’re best at. At Stack Exchange, we attract go-getters who are just starting out in their careers just as much as we welcome seasoned pros who know they have more to offer than corporate society would allow.