The Charitable Trust for the Tongabezi Trust School

The Charitable Trust for the Tongabezi Trust School

Careers at The Charitable Trust for the Tongabezi Trust School

The Tongabezi Trust School - known as Tujatane - was born in 1996 from a desire to provide underprivileged rural Zambian children living within walking distance of the school with a sound and holistic education in a bid to improve the quality of their lives. We started in 1996 with 15 preschool students in a single classroom. Today, we have nearly 300 students in our primary school, 80 who we sponsor into high school and another 50 we support in university or college. Our alumni include pilots, nurses, lawyers, engineers, and accountants! Our vision is to develop the child as a whole and help them gain a greater knowledge and understanding of educational and social issues so they can make informed choices and have the chance of bright, promising futures.

Twaabane Creative Centre, a sister project of the Tongabezi Trust School, is a creatively oriented vocational skills training centre. It was born from a desire to provide a vocational pathway to ex-students of Tongabezi Trust School and community members whose skills and interests aligned with practical or creative employment prospects. The mission of the centre is to promote social and economic development in Simonga, Livingstone by improving access to income generating opportunities through the provision of free, high quality skills training in the artisan sector.

Stats we are proud of

  • 290

    children receiving an education at primary level

  • 78

    Pupils at secondary level with high completion rates

  • 62

    Students being sponsored at college and university

  • 50

    Adults in vocational skills & literacy training in 2023

Behind the scenes