MicroLoan Foundation

MicroLoan Foundation

Careers at MicroLoan Foundation

MicroLoan Foundation a women's empowerment and poverty alleviation organisation providing financial services to talented, aspiring female entrepreneurs living in poverty in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The women we work with are often illiterate, with very little or no regular income, facing a tiring, daily battle to feed their families. With small loans, business training and ongoing support from MicroLoan, these women can build their own businesses. From scone bakers, to clothes makers, to farmers, to grocery store owners, MicroLoan helps women to reach their full potential. Since 2002, we have reached 240,000 women and 960,000 children in their care. When women in rural parts of sub-Saharan Africa start an income-generating business, they redefine their futures. The lives of their children, families and communities are transformed for generations to come.

Our vision is a world where all those living in poverty have the opportunity to build better lives for themselves and their families.

Verified by Escape

Escape's take on MicroLoan Foundation

The small and mighty team at MicroLoan Foundation love each other and love what they do - these were the main takeaways from their employee survey for the Escape 100. It's little wonder that they're so passionate when they're changing lives and empowering women across sub-Saharan Africa to work their way out of poverty by providing microloans that help them to become self-sufficient and start their own businesses.We love their focus on SDG number 1 - end poverty in all its forms, everywhere - and the very tangible impact they are having on lives in the sub-Sahara.

Stats we are proud of

  • 240

    thousand woman have started a business since 2002

  • 960

    thousand children have access to food and education

  • 65000

    women helped with loans and business training each year

Behind the scenes