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Volunteer Trustee

The Befriending Scheme


Posted over 30 days ago...

The Befriending Scheme is an established charity of 34 years. We are blessed with having some amazing Trustees who would greatly benefit from working with an experienced Trustee who could steer us through an exciting future!


icon Salary


icon Location

Sudbury, CO10 1HN

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

The Board (currently 5 members) are passionate, forward thinking people with a wealth of experience.  Between them they have, social care, NHS and banking experience.  We are looking for a Trustee with extensive experience  to strengthen the Board . You will have the support of the current  Acting Chair, trustees and executive team.We have some very exciting plans for the future including social enterprise development. As an experienced Trustee you will be able to support the Board in ensuring that the charity is in a position to meet the current and future needs of those requiring its services and achieve long term sustainability. Applicants will need to demonstrate their understanding of charity governance and leadership.  Like most charities we are faced with ever decreasing opportunities to gain funding from local authorities coupled with the fierce competition surrounding grant applications to Trusts.   Most of all, you will have a huge passion for making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged people.  Experience of working or working alongside the Voluntary Sector in Suffolk, Norfolk or Essex, marketing, social enterprise experience and possibly with some farming knowledge would be great, but not essential. . Like most charities we are faced with ever decreasing opportunities to gain funding from local authorities coupled with the fierce competition surrounding grant applications to Trusts. As a Trustee you will attend Board meetings, currently between 4 and 6 per year. You will also be encouraged to take responsibility for working in identified sub groups with one or two other Trustees. 

What are we looking for?

 Ideally you will have a huge passion for making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged people. You will have experience of working or working alongside the Voluntary sector in Suffolk, Norfolk or Essex. Experience or knowledge of people with a learning disability would be useful too. 

What difference will you make?

We currently work with over 300 vulnerable people and families  in Suffolk  It is vitally important to have strong governance to support the very experienced CEO and senior management team as we expand our service provision.  As a small charity, there will be times when the Chair and other Trustees will need to be actively involved in the work of The Suffolk Befriending Scheme beyond planned Board meetings. This may involve meeting with funders, business planning and review, reviewing practice and procedures or advising on operational or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise. You will be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses.



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